Average gross salary in Burkina Faso is
10% earn less lthan 195K CFA
10% earns more than 875K CFA
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Displayed value presents total salary in the whole country. Salary amount is influenced by bonuses, regions and many other factors.

Description of job position

  • Communication with the customer (internal customer), communication with the data architect, data analysts, programmers
  • Collection of structured and unstructured data, data preparation
  • Data analysis, machine learning, data transformation, predictive modeling, data visualization, text mining, NLP
  • Design and development of a new solution (R, Python)
  • Track new data trends
  • Introduction of new solutions and methods in the field of Data Science

The most common career path of an employee

The graphic shows how employees most often progress in their careers. Click on the name of the position to get to its detail with salary data.

Position Data scientist - Information Technology in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent by position

655. place

Nursery School Teacher Assistant

Education, Science & Research

Salary group 1

89,844 - 183,745 CFA

40. place

OSS/BSS Specialist


Salary group 2

278,168 - 730,999 CFA

39. place

Data scientist

Information Technology

Salary group 2

194,913 - 874,870 CFA

38. place


Education, Science & Research

Salary group 2

320,372 - 705,472 CFA

1. place

Chief Executive Officer

Top Management

Salary group 3

334,721 - 1,829,649 CFA

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