Average gross salary in Burkina Faso is
10% earn less lthan 142K CFA
10% earns more than 208K CFA
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Displayed value presents total salary in the whole country. Salary amount is influenced by bonuses, regions and many other factors.

Description of job position

  • Securing the protection of physical persons and private property.
  • Performing regular patrols around protected buildings and neighbouring areas.
  • Performing patrols in the event that a breach of a protected area is signalled.
  • Monitoring buildings and neighbouring areas using security camera systems.
  • Determining and recording the identity of individuals.
  • Checking people entering a building, performing regular or random personal searches when the presence of dangerous or forbidden items is suspected.
  • Checking people leaving a building, performing regular or random personal searches when theft or misappropriation is suspected.
  • Using speed, force, and other coercive means to detain a person, if needed.
  • Co-operation with the police, firefighters, and rescue team members.
  • Providing aid and assistance to the public.

The most common career path of an employee

The graphic shows how employees most often progress in their careers. Click on the name of the position to get to its detail with salary data.

Position Security Guard - Security & Protection in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent by position

655. place

Nursery School Teacher Assistant

Education, Science & Research

Salary group 1

89,844 - 183,745 CFA

637. place


Service Industries

Salary group 2

97,433 - 262,593 CFA

636. place

Security Guard

Security & Protection

Salary group 2

142,212 - 207,964 CFA

635. place


Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry

Salary group 2

1. place

Chief Executive Officer

Top Management

Salary group 3

334,721 - 1,829,649 CFA

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